Jakarta Betawie

As is the case with other ethnic groups, the Betawi group is well integrated in the life of the city. In certain areas their cultural expressions in tradition and art forms are more distinct. In fact since the early 1970's the Betawi cultural art forms have been given much attention by the Government and with the rise of the tourism industry these art forms are experiencing a new impetus to flourish.

As the nation's capital, Jakarta is able to show all the various art forms of all the regions and ethnic groups in the archipelago. And to realize this idea in line with the motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ( Unity in Diversity ), the regional government feels obliged to develop all traditional art forms as equitably as possible with the local Betawi art forms as host hesding the rest.

To see for themselves what and now those Betawi art forms are, you can go to any travel agent and ask for tour to a " Betawi Cultural Institution " to catch a glipse of the " real thing ". Or you can visit the Jakarta pavillion at Taman Mini Indonesia Indah ( Beautiful Indonesia in Miniature Park ) which has long been showing Betawi ceremonies such as the Betawi wedding ceremony, the circumcision procession, the baby head - shaving ceremony etc. As mentioned before, the Betawi group emerged in the 19th century from the melting pot of races, ethnic groups and cultures. Today the Betawi culture has a distinct personality of its own, but one can discern the various influences of other cultures by looking or listening to its art form.

The Tanjidor orchestra is certainly inharited from Dutch land - owners and the Gambang Kromong and Cokek dance originated in the residence of wealthy Chinese traders and merchants. The Betawi Cokek dance shows Balinese influence in the movement of the dancers and the style of playing the gamelan. This style of playing the gamelan can also be observed in the gamelan orchestra accompanying the Wayang Kulit Betawi show. The Portuguese speaking community has also left its inheritance, the Kroncong Tugu with its popular songs Nina Bobo, Kaparinyo and Kroncong moritsko is said to be the origin of the popular Kroncong orchestra of to-day.

The javanese presence since the 17th century has left its mark too on the Betawi music, dance and theatre, Wayang Kulit Betawi and Lenong are examples of this influence.
A major influence on the Betawi culture is Islam, the religion of the majority of the people. The Rebana orchestra, the Gambus orchestra, the Zapin or Japin dance are Islam inspired art forms.

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